20120615 Suzdal to Moscow

The open air Museum of Wooden Architecture was impressive. These were structures/ buildings moved from various villages to this place. Not a simple task to do the shifting!

We then drove to Vladimir, another ancient city that was part of the Golden Ring.

Back to Moscow, we headed for the Red Square. I'm not sure if we should count ourselves lucky? or ... as this turned out to be the only time that we could visit the square! It was humanly impossible (based on the traffic condition) to arrange for another trip to come to the Red Square in the following (departure) morning.

The Red Square is where the 3 main buildings were found - Mausoleum, St Basil's Cathedral and the GUM. Well, it was another disappointment that we did not have ample time to walk into the Cathedral to appreciate the interior art work. On the other hand, we must count ourselves lucky, too, as the rain stopped very quickly by the time we arrive!

Indeed, it was a long day... that ended with the Circus show.

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